Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, 86, is hospitalized in intensive care for heart and lung problems, Corriere della Sera reports. The politician is in the cardiac surgery unit of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan.

Corriere della Sera reports that the Forza Italia leader has been admitted to hospital with shortness of breath and has been stabilized. The newspaper assures that he has undergone a computed tomography (CT) scan and is waiting for other tests to be carried out. Berlusconi awaits a visit from his eldest daughter, Marina.

According to the Corriere, Berlusconi was admitted to the hospital from last Monday until last Thursday for “medical checks” after some previous pathologies. In those days he received visits from his son Luigi and his brother Paolo. When leaving San Raffaele, accompanied by his partner Marta Fascina, Berlusconi greeted the journalists and spectators who were waiting for him at the hospital entrance from the back seat of the blue car. .

Back home on March 31, Berlusconi posted an image on his Twitter account thanking his followers for their support. “I thank all those who have wanted to dedicate a thought of closeness and affection to me in recent days. I have already returned to work on the main issues of these days, willing and determined to commit myself, as always, for the country that I love.”

Berlusconi, leader of Italian politics in three different terms and whose formation is currently part of the ruling coalition led by the far-right Giorgia Meloni, underwent open heart surgery in 2016 to replace the aortic valve and has health problems.

In 2020 he was admitted with coronavirus and bilateral pneumonia at San Raffaele, although he was discharged a few days later. Since then, he has repeatedly visited the hospital, such as in January 2022, when he was also in the same hospital center for a urinary tract infection.

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