In February 2024, Jean-Marie Le Pen was placed under legal protection. The founder of the National Front (FN), renamed National Rally (RN) in 2018, is now under a form of guardianship managed by his three daughters: Marie-Caroline, Yann, and Marine Le Pen. The three children were born from his union with Pierrette Lalanne, with whom the Le Pen girls had a tumultuous relationship.  Focus on Jean-Marie Le Pen’s three daughters. 

Born on January 23, 1960 in Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), Marie-Caroline Le Pen is the first daughter of Pierrette Lalanne and Jean-Marie Le Pen. Very quickly, the eldest in the family became involved in politics and joined the National Front (FN). According to Gala, she was responsible for producing video tapes for the party.

In 1983, Marie-Caroline helped her father prepare for the legislative elections. Two years later, she ran against Nicolas Sarkozy for the canton of Neuilly-sur-Seine-Nord. She served as a regional councilor for Île-de-France between 1992 and 1998, before moving away from her family and the National Rally. Furthermore, she wrote articles for Le Figaro Magazine under a pseudonym. Today, Marie-Caroline Le Pen works in real estate.

As for her private life, Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter had a first union with Jean-Pierre Gendron, before marrying Philippe Olivier. Together, the couple have two children: Pierre and Nolwenn Olivier. Nolwenn, daughter of Marie-Caroline and granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, is none other than the current partner of Jordan Bardella, today president of the National Rally. 

Born on November 18, 1963, Yann Le Pen is the second daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen. According to our colleagues at Gala, she followed in her sister’s footsteps and also got involved in her father’s party. Yann, however, prefers to remain in the shadows and is not running in any election: she was a switchboard operator, then assistant to the head of press relations before being in charge of major events. The cadet was mainly involved in the events branch of the party.

Yann Le Pen is the mother of Marion Maréchal (née Le Pen), born from an affair with the journalist Roger Auque. The one who joined the Reconquest party! was raised by her mother’s companion at the time, Samuel Maréchal, who recognized her as his daughter. Together, Yann Le Pen and Marion Maréchal had two other children: Romain and Tanguy. 

In his childhood, Yann Le Pen was very marked by the various attacks against his father, including a bomb attack which occurred at their home in 1976. The Le Pen sisters emerged with scratches, according to the magazine. 

Marine Le Pen was born in Neuilly-sur-Seine on August 5, 1968. The youngest child in the family was 16 years old when her parents separated. Before forming the National Front (FN) into the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen studied law and began her career in the 23rd criminal chamber of the Paris high court. She joined the legal service of the RN in 1998. This is where Marine Le Pen made her debut in politics. Party president, MP, candidate for the presidential election…The daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen and Pierrette Lalanne has many hats. 

Marine Le Pen was married to Franck Chauffroy between 1997 and 1999, with whom she has three children: Jehanne, and twins, Louis and Mathilde. Later, she married a second time to Eric Iorio. The youngest of the Le Pen clan also had a romantic relationship with Louis Aliot, vice-president of the National Front, between 2010 and 2019.