The Inspection of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) has opened proceedings against prosecutor Carmen García Cerdá for, supposedly, not having followed the orders of the Chief Anticorruption Prosecutor, Alejandro Luzón. This irregular action would have occurred in the investigation into the Economic Team office, founded by the former Minister of Finance with the PP Cristóbal Montoro.

The different criteria when continuing with this investigation led to the prosecutor, also in charge of the Púnica case, taking the matter to the board of prosecutors, which brings together all the members of Anti-Corruption. On September 26, a vote was put on how to proceed in the case and the chief prosecutor’s thesis was clearly imposed – 19 votes to five.

The proceedings that the prosecutor wanted to activate and were stopped referred to a possible revelation of secrets detected in some emails and that could involve the use of Treasury data to harm those who bothered senior officials of the Tax Agency at the time of the PP. .

In the opinion of the chief prosecutor, Cerdá has not submitted to what was agreed by the Board of Prosecutors, which has caused him to take the case to the Tax Inspection, according to El Periódico de España and sources from the Public Ministry have confirmed to this newspaper .

After examining the facts reported by Luzón, the person in charge of the Inspection, María Antonia Sanz, has opened information proceedings to gather data about what happened. If she sees that there is disciplinary matter, she will refer the matter to the promoter of the disciplinary action, who will examine the case and make a proposal for closure or sanction to the State Attorney General. Alvaro García Ortiz.

The clash in the Economic Team case that is being investigated in Tarragona has come after numerous clashes between Cerdá and Luzón within the Púnica macro-cause. In one of the branches of the case, the one referring to Caja b of the PP of Madrid, the prosecutor and her partner Teresa Gálvez refused to sign a document that exonerated numerous investigators, including the former president of Madrid Esperanza Aguirre.