The same day when Keiko Fujimori buried his mother received one of the worst possible news for his judicial defense and for his next future: Prosecutor José Domingo Pérez began to support the 1,900 tests he has gathered against him.
The same evidence with which the fiscal irreducible is willing to enclose it for 30 years.

The daughter of the dictator returns in this way to her judicial calvary after almost a year and a half of parentheses, which has also coincided with Susana Higuchi’s goodbye.
The first two ladies of Alberto Fujimori, mother and eldest daughter, shared the last weeks of his life after years apart.

Higuchi broke all the known molds of first ladies from the continent when in 1992 he dared to denounce corruption in his husband’s family.
The response of Alberto Fujimori and the Alter Ego of him, Vladimiro Montesinos, was forceful: dungeon, torture and divorce.
And what came after was the social and family apartheid, also repudiated by the machinery of fuzorist power.

The engineer also did not swell, accused his daughter not to support her complaints and was presented to the 2000 elections at the head of the independent moralizing front to become a deputy.

What came after is part of the history of Peru, from the fall and prison for her husband as the three failures for a handful of votes of her daughter in the presidential race.
In the end, time again joined the two women, even saw Higuchi in one of Keiko’s electoral acts.

They are precisely the management of Keiko’s first electoral campaign, in 2011, those that caused him to be in preventive detention for 15 months.
Now, finished the electoral fight, the judicial machinery has become launched, with Prosecutor Pérez committed to show that Keiko led a criminal organization within his own party, Popular Force (FP).

Among the “exorbitant” contributions received from employers highlights one over others, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office: the construction company Odebrecht.
Prosecutor Pérez has managed to unfold the financial skein, the same as with bank transfers converted the money into checks and then in cash to deliver it to Jorge Cheap, the Executive Director of Odebrecht in Peru.

The Public Ministry has the evidence that in the months prior to the first electoral return the Brazilian company carried out 21 asset payment operations for more than 3 million dollars.

Brazilians are not the only ones that make up the supposed raster of illegal financing, which includes the Banker Dionisio Romero, a Chilean businessman and an investigated drug trafficking.
Among the 1,900 tests against Keiko, the Odebrecht collaboration agreements also include both Brazil and Peru.

The goal of all of them was to avoid the triumph of the leftist Ollanta Humala in order to get benefit in a Fujimorist government.
The created framework was much further, according to the evidence contributed by a protected witness, which came out of sight on Friday.
With the intention of protecting themselves, FP advanced agreements with the National Council of the Magistracy to appoint judges and prosecutors willing to support their cause.

The judicial troubles of someone as powerful as Keiko are not a novelty, much less, in Peru.
Her father remains in prison since 2006 (10 months released by the pardon granted by Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, annulled by the judiciary) after five condemnatory sentences.
Other former presidents such as Kuczynski and Humala himself were also between bars, while Alejandro Toledo awaits the extradition of him from the United States.
In difficulties, Manuel Merino and Martín Vizcarra are still maintained.
Dramatic was the decision he took APRISTA Alan García: He committed suicide before being arrested.

Against the current officialism have also raised judges and prosecutors.
In recent hours, it has become public that the Public Ministry has “exceptional evidence” in the case that follows Vladimir Cerron, General Secretary of Free Peru (PL) and leader of the radicals.
The Prosecutor’s Office has requested two years and 11 months of prison and disqualification for Cerron.

The last minute support of Cerron to Pedro Castillo prevented Congress to start this week to the vacancy process, the ‘Impeachment’ Creole, against the President, when she has only four months sitting on the boardwatch.