The Migros takes the Dubler-Blackies because of their controversial Name from the range. Nevertheless, the business is for Patron Robert Dubler (72) runs like clockwork. Apparently, many Swiss find missed the debate and show solidarity with the producers: in Front of the factory has already formed yesterday, a long queue load in Waltenschwil AG. The stock was sold out in a jiffy.

And the interest in the Dubler-candy is not on a Friday no less. On The Contrary. The snake grows and grows, almost 30 minutes waiting to take the customers in buying, until they can be supported. Dubler is breathless. Constantly, the bell of the shop rings. From the Morning until the evening. “It is simply crazy what is happening,” says Dubler to VIEW.

staff pushes extra layers

“The Situation is out of control. If I look out of the window, I see about 40 people. Nearly 30 Cars.” You want to buy all blackies. Dubler: “The Chaos is perfect.”

The employees ‘ shifts so that the production can support the incredible demand. Already on Friday morning at 5 o’clock they started, Mohr heads. “My people are the best,” said the chief proudly.

Patron is looking forward to quieter times

The racism debate to the concept of a “moor’s head” finds Dubler hypocritical. “The real Problem remains.”

The Problem is not the Name, but our society is. “Change something, and to do Good means that you have to treat the continent of Africa fair. But the people are not ready, that would cost something,” said Dubler after the Migros-out throw.

Despite all the joy about the popularity of the 72 happy Years of to the fact that the Stress subsides once again. Dubler: “This is all positive, but I’m glad, when quieter times to come in.” (ise/noo)