Gabriel Boric took advantage of his meeting in Washington with Joe Biden to distance himself from the silence that reigns among the governments of the Great Homeland after the latest Chavista attack against the opposition. “That the elections be respected and all candidates who wish to do so be allowed to compete and have all the guarantees established by democracy itself,” urged the Chilean president, reviled from Caracas on previous occasions.

“Boboric, the biggest fool,” Diosdado Cabello, number two of the revolution, calls him every time the president airs the abuses of Chavismo. Boric, who leads the progressive front within the Patria Grande, is in the minority against populists and revolutionaries, but that does not mean he has stopped crying out against the excesses of Caracas and Managua.

The indirect reference to María Corina Machado, winner of the primary process on whom an illegal and unconstitutional disqualification weighs, represents the first support for the unitary opposition candidate, beyond the criticism made months ago by the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro. .

The diplomatic ball is now in the court of the White House, which maintains an ultimatum to Maduro, which ends on November 30, to reverse the electoral boycott against Machado and to also release American and Venezuelan prisoners. So far, only six political prisoners, out of 273, have been released thanks to the Barbados Agreement.

María Corina Machado herself has taken extreme caution to avoid falling into the traps set by the Bolivarian power. “The Supreme Court can say whatever it wants (about the annulment of the primaries), but it is something irreversible. The country assumed it and appropriated it, there is nothing they can do to avoid it. The Barbados Agreement is not has still been violated, the regime is tightening the league (rope), but it has not yet been broken,” Machado stated in an interview with the Argentine media Infobae.

Francisco Palmieri, head of the US external office for Venezuela, has also expressed caution. “The primary is a fact, the result cannot be changed. We are confident that María Corina will be the opposition candidate,” said the diplomat.

“Resolving the issue of Venezuela is once again on the Biden administration’s priority agenda,” María Puerta Riera, a professor of American government in Florida, confirmed for EL MUNDO. “The US has three objectives: limit the influence of Russia and China over Venezuela and have an emergency mechanism if the war in Israel spreads, affecting the oil market, although we know that Venezuelan production is far below an optimal level. Another is undoubtedly to alleviate migratory pressure, not only for humanitarian reasons, but mainly for domestic policy. This is generating conflict between Democratic governments and the White House,” said the political scientist.

Illegal Venezuelan immigrants broke a historical record in September, surpassing Mexicans in the number of arrests on the other side of the border. At the moment, there are three planes loaded with deportees that have landed in Caracas from the US. So far there are 362, although the plan is to continue with flights constantly.