Libya’s eastern strongman Khalifa Haftar called on Monday for a fair distribution of oil revenues, giving until the end of August for it to be done.

A “High Commission responsible for putting in place the financial arrangements for the equitable management of public funds” and oil revenues must be put in place, Marshal Haftar said during an address Monday to officers of his army. , meeting at its headquarters in Rajma (25 km east of Benghazi).

He announced “a deadline until the end of August for this commission to complete its mission”. Otherwise, “the armed forces will be ready to respond to instructions when the time comes,” he warned without giving further details.

Endowed with Africa’s most abundant oil reserves, Libya has been embroiled in chaos since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime in 2011 and rocked by divisions between the east and west of the country.

Two governments have been vying for power there for more than a year: one based in Tripoli (west) and recognized by the UN, led by Abdelhamid Dbeibah, the other in the east, supported by the very powerful Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

Oil revenues, the country’s main source of income and very often at the heart of disputes between rival camps, are on the other hand managed by the National Oil Company and the Central Bank, based in Tripoli.

On June 24, Osama Hamad, head of the parallel government in the east, threatened to block hydrocarbon exports, demanding the seizure of oil revenues managed by his rivals in the west.

In a late June message on Twitter, US Ambassador Richard Norland “urged Libyan political actors to renounce threats of an oil blockade, which is highly harmful to the Libyan economy and Libyans”.

Washington’s message was badly received by the eastern camp, which sees it as interference in the internal affairs of the Libyans, and described as an “insult” by Marshal Haftar.

“The ambassadors of certain countries, especially the so-called Norland (…) have failed to contribute to the solution of the Libyan crisis and have, on the contrary, deepened the differences between Libyans”, he launched during his speech. broadcast on Monday by the Libya al-Hadath channel.

“Stop sticking your nose into the affairs of the Libyans”, who will eventually get along without your “interference”, he castigated to the applause of his officers.

03/07/2023 23:24:31 –         Benghazi (Libya) (AFP)           © 2023 AFP