Designated as head of the LFI list for the European elections which will take place on June 9, Manon Aubry has been involved with the Left Party since 2015. If her surname is not unknown, it is generally rather associated with another emblematic figure of the left, Martine Aubry. Still mayor of Lille, the latter has been in office since 2001 at the head of the city. While the two women are willingly brought together, are they related?

Head of the LFI list for the European elections on June 9, Manon Aubry became a European deputy in 2019 after joining the party the previous year. Also co-president of the Left group in the European Parliament, she sits on the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Development Committee of the European Parliament. She holds a degree in international affairs and human rights from Sciences Po Paris.

Born to journalist parents, Bruno Aubry and Catherine Poggi-Aubry, she followed in the footsteps of her mother, involved in the Left Party since 2015, before representing La France insoumise in the 2017 legislative elections in the fifth constituency of Var. On May 26, 2019, Manon Aubry was elected to the European Parliament with 6.3% of the votes for her list and obtaining six of the 74 French seats. The same year, she was the youngest president of the “Left Group” in the history of the European Parliament. 

Manon Aubry’s presence in the European Parliament was thus marked by several important positions. This is for example the case with the opacity of the procedure for controlling conflicts of interest of candidates for the positions of European commissioners. She also spoke out against tax evasion by multinationals and the role played by European tax havens.

At the same time, the young MEP was also at the initiative of a proposal for a European directive on the European duty of vigilance, but also of the vote on an amendment in favor of the lifting of patents on vaccines against Covid.

The surname of Manon Aubry is thus better known for the presence of Martine Aubry, daughter of Jacques Delors, and above all mayor of Lille since 2001. First minister of Labor, employment and professional training, she held numerous positions such as those of first secretary of the Socialist Party or even President of Lille Métropole.

However, despite their political affinities, the two women have no family ties between them, even if their rapprochement visibly amuses Manon Aubry. She thus clarified, as Gala reports, to have “nothing to do with her”, but nevertheless “no problem with her”. Things are clear.