Sellin (dpa / mv) – Managers of hospitals in the north-east are calling for the many tourists in the country to be taken into account when planning treatment capacities. “What is completely neglected in the planning is that the population more than doubles in many regions of our state during the holiday months,” said the Association of Hospital Directors Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (VKD MV) on Thursday.

Compared to other federal states, MV has the fewest facilities in terms of area. At the same time, the average age of people is increasing and with it the frequency of treatment. In rural areas, facilities are difficult or impossible to reach by public transport. Temporary or permanent closures of delivery rooms and children’s departments, for example, have already led to serious disadvantages in inpatient healthcare.

The annual meeting of the VKD MV on Thursday in Sellin on Rügen should be about hospital planning in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for the coming years. “However, it is currently uncertain whether all clinics will hold out in the next few months, because the cost increases already on the table cannot be borne,” warned VKD state chairman Falko Milski. “We therefore expect immediate measures for the hospitals at the next meeting of the Prime Ministers with the Federal Chancellor next Wednesday.”