Berlin/Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The “Political Memoriale” association is planning a traveling exhibition for the coming year on the history of craftsmen and business people who fled from the north of the GDR and built new livelihoods in and around Hamburg after the Wall was built. The project is one of three history projects in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania that receive financial support from the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. As the foundation announced on Tuesday, it is providing a total of around 80,000 euros for this.

The State Center for Civic Education also receives grants. This is preparing an exhibition on resistance in dictatorships entitled “For Freedom!” before.

A charity concert to mark the 75th anniversary of the closure of Soviet special camp No. 9 in Neubrandenburg will also be funded. The organizer is the Fünfeichen working group. The concert is scheduled to take place on September 23, 2023.

In the coming year, the federal foundation, founded in 1998, will support more than 40 projects on protest and uprisings against authoritarian rule and dictatorship. It is providing almost half of its funding of around three million euros for this purpose. The occasion is the 70th anniversary of the East German uprising of June 17, 1953. A total of 121 projects are being supported nationwide. This also included projects for the digitization of sources, educational offers, documentaries, publications and events.