Innsbruck/Schwerin (dpa/mv) – Economics and Tourism Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD) is dissatisfied with the appeal of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania brand. “We can and must do more together to establish a strong Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania brand,” Meyer demanded on Friday at the end of a fact-finding trip to Austria, which he undertook together with the country’s leading tourism representatives.

The Austrian state of Tyrol could serve as a role model, where Habitat Tirol Holding in Innsbruck profiled the Tyrol brand regionally and, above all, nationally. An innovative structure is being set up and implemented there under an umbrella brand. This could be an example for MV, said Meyer and announced the establishment of a future agency in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which should unite different forces in the state and increase the radiance of the state. The activities of the state marketing Mecklenburg-West Pomerania around the slogans “MV is good” and “Land for living” do not meet this requirement to a sufficient extent.

Tirol Werbung, the Tirol location agency and Agrarmarketing Tirol are united under the umbrella ofLebensraum Holding, as Meyer said. Each unit also works well on its own. Together, networking with each other will significantly increase marketing and profiling to the outside world. “A lot of things are thought together in Tyrol right from the start,” said Meyer. The development of tourism is closely intertwined with the development of the federal state as a location for business, science, work and culture. “Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania still has a lot of catching up to do here.”

Meyer had been traveling in Austria with a twelve-strong tourism delegation since Wednesday to get suggestions for the further development of the holiday region of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. One result of the trip is, for example, the plan to set up a tourism academy in the north-east to train and train specialists and to be able to react better to tourism trends.