Schwerin (dpa / mv) – According to the Ministry of the Interior, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania was the only federal state to use the nationwide warning day for a second test. The aim was to find out whether the government and administrations would be able to work outside of working hours within a few hours in the event of a widespread power failure. The day after, Interior Minister Christian level (SPD) was satisfied. “The exercise was a complete success,” he summed up on Friday. “Even in the event of a crisis, we remain able to act.”

The aim was for all those involved to report back independently within three hours after an alarm was raised outside normal working hours. In this way, the ability to govern can be ensured in the event of a crisis. The exercise lasted from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Across the country, 76 agencies took part – in addition to the ministries and their subordinate authorities, there were also districts, disaster control authorities, the state command MV of the Bundeswehr, the technical aid agency, the state’s medical task force and official administrations.

Deficiencies in equipment were found in some areas. “But we wanted to identify exactly these adjustment screws,” says level. The exercise was a preparation for a possible energy shortage, in which digital radios, among other things, would be used as alternative means of communication.