Malliß (dpa / mv) – In the search for tobacco thieves, the police in West Mecklenburg discovered a large amount of alcohol that was probably stolen. As a police spokesman said on Monday, officials found spirits worth 1,600 euros in a car in Malliß near Ludwigslust over the weekend. The four inmates could not or did not want to say on Saturday where the more than 80 liquor bottles came from. The men between the ages of 29 and 41 are being investigated for theft, especially since allegedly stolen cigarettes and other tobacco products were found in the car.

The police suspect that the goods had been stolen from several supermarkets in the region. In Heiddorf, several people wanted to steal large amounts of tobacco. The sales staff surprised the perpetrators, who fled. Then the police were called. Previously, tobacco products worth 2,000 euros had suddenly disappeared from a shop in Hagenow.