Teterow (dpa / mv) – A drunk driver was stopped with her two three and six-year-old children in the car by the police in Teterow (Rostock district). The officials then contacted the father, who came by in the car on Tuesday afternoon to pick up the children – and was also drunk, according to a message from the evening.

According to the information, the police initially received a tip about a driver who might have been drunk in the car. The officers then stopped the 37-year-old and found that her two children were in the car. A breath alcohol test showed a value of 1.73 per thousand. In the case of the 39-year-old father of the children, the officials determined a value of 1.93 per mille. The officials secured the couple’s driver’s licenses and prohibited them from continuing to drive, and the children stayed with family members. Both now have to answer for drunk driving.