Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The effects of the Russian war of aggression on the economy and everyday life in Germany also have a significant impact on the second session of the state parliament in Schwerin. Among other things, Parliament will debate the federal government’s relief package for high energy prices today. It is also about the expansion of green electricity production in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and sanctions imposed on Russia.

In the current hour, the situation of the agricultural and food industry in the north-east will be discussed. Both sectors are suffering massively from the consequences of the war, because the prices not only for energy but also for fertilizers and raw materials have risen sharply. On Wednesday, the state parliament had already debated measures to curb energy prices and replace energy imports from Russia for more than five hours.

A total of 14 topics are on the agenda on Thursday. Among other things, it is also about strengthening tenant protection, the use of the MV protection fund or the corona vaccination requirement in care.