Almost a year after the vaccination campaign against Covid in Spain (December 27, 2020) began, childhood vaccination arrives.
After the European Medicine Agency (EMA) gave green light to vaccination in children on November 25 (the US FDA did so in October), the Public Health Commission approved last Tuesday for Spain, where it starts
This Wednesday, December 15.

This Monday arrives the first consumption of children’s vaccines against Covid, 1.3 million doses (in January another 2 million will be received) that will be distributed by the Autonomous Communities, as the entire vaccination campaign has been done: proportional to its
Diana population, as indicated by the Ministry of Health.
With these shipments, the first dose of the 3.3 million children who are estimated in Spain was covered in the age of 5-11 years.

Faced with the immunence of child immunization, many doubts arise, as with the adult campaign or even more, since it always has more repairs on issues that affect children.
What if my son has had Coronavirus?
What if he is contagious between doses?
What happens if between the first and the second dose turns 12?
Can I put other vaccines that touch him soon?
The Ministry of Health has published on its website, the document vaccination recommendations against Covid-19 in the children’s population of 5 to 11 years, which was approved by the Public Health Commission on Tuesday, December 7, in which it resolves all
this questions.

Let’s make a review of the issues that we already know and the doubts that solves this document hours before the campaign begins.
Many parents question the relevance of vaccinating their children since children do not usually develop so serious paintings of the disease.
According to the health data of the population between 5 and 11 years old at the Fifth Wave, 99.7% of the diagnosed cases presented a mild box (half asymptomatic), 0.21% needed hospitalization and 0.016% required income
In Pediatric ICU.
Of the 13 cases entered into ICU more than 50% presented some serious base disease (also a deceased case).

However, children under the age of 11 are the age group with the highest incidence of cases (547,22, according to Friday data), more than three times more than in other groups (over 80 years or adolescents).
The group of 40-49 years (395.53) is still under incidence, which corresponds to the age of most of the parents of these children, as recalled a few days ago the Secretary of State of Health, Silvia Calzón.
At a time when the transmission is fired in many areas, with six autonomous communities and at high risk, childhood vaccination would decrease the burden of disease in this group and can reduce the transmission in the family environment, in the educational centers and
In the community, contributing to the protection of the most vulnerable populations, “says the healing document.

That is, vaccinating children can help contain SARS-COV-2.
Health mentions that a modeling study shows that with high vaccine covers in an adult population, vaccinating children can reduce coronavirus dissemination up to 16%.

The vaccine who will receive children from 5 to 11 years old is Comirnaty 10 μg of Pfizer (“with orange cap”, indicates healing), a third of which has been administered to adults.
It is the only pediatric vaccine authorized by EMA to date (it is expected to be pronounced on modern this month).
Two doses are injected into the upper arm, as in adults, but the time between dose is eight weeks, not three.
The objective is to increase the immune response – “It is well known that the immune response to vaccines is, in general, superior when the second dose is administered with a larger interval, as observed in adolescents between 12 and 16 years,” he says
Health – and get vaccination in the shortest possible time with at least one dose to all minors between 5 and 11 years old.

In that sense, other countries follow this same line, such as Canada or Australia, which also recommend an eight-week interval.
The US, on the other hand, puts the second dose to his children at three weeks.

Health recommends, as in adults, “observe the person vaccinated for 15 minutes to detect immediate reactions.”
If there are a history of a serious allergic reaction, regardless of the cause, the follow-up will be maintained up to 30 minutes.
The most common side effects in children are similar to those of adults.
They include pain in the place of injection, fatigue, headache, redness and swelling at the place of injection, muscle pain and chills.
They are usually minor or moderate effects and improve a few days after vaccination.

Immunosuppressed children will begin to vaccinate and from 9 to 11 years, descending from age (as in adults).
The health document emphasizes children belonging to one of the groups defined with very high risk (Group 7 of strategy, immunosuppressed, people with oncological treatments, transplantation, hemodialysis …) may be prioritized “parallel to advance
of vaccination by greater cohorts at least “.
In these cases with high-risk pathologies and conditions, they must receive an additional dose of the child’s vaccine at least 28 days after the last dose of the vaccine guideline, and regardless of whether the infection has passed.

The health document establishes for children with a history of coronavirus infection, “regardless of the date of confirmation”, a single dose from 4 weeks after the diagnosis of the infection or date of initiation of symptoms.
If your child receives the first dose and it is then spread, before receiving the second dose, “the guideline will be completed with a second dose after recovery and when 4 weeks of the infection have elapsed, also maintaining the 8-week interval with respect to
The first dose “.
It will be applied for all children with previous infection except the dependents and with very high risk conditions.

If your child with 11 years receives a first dose and turns years in the coming weeks, before receiving the second dose, you will receive a second adult dose (recommended from 12 years old), with the 8-week established interval for
That second injection.

Do not worry if your children have a pending a vaccine from the childhood vaccine calendar.
The mRNA vaccines (such as Pfizer) for children’s population can be administered together with any immunization of that calendar, in different anatomical locations (other than in the same arm, for example).
If they are not administered together, it is not necessary to wait any interval between the different vaccines.

The healing document also indicates that “in case vaccination occurs in a school, without the presence of parents or legal guardians, the signing of a mother / parent or guardian authorization must be requested previously.
And that is another of the great guirigáis that has been given the entire adult vaccination campaign: each autonomous community decides something different.
In this case, the CCAA has hurried until the last moment to decide where the doses administer.

In vaccination points, Galicia, Navarra and Murcia will be done.
In Andalusian health centers (the Andalusian counselor has said that they will also be supported at the vaccination points and schools in rural areas), Aragon, Asturias and Cantabria.
In schools Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Valencian Community and La Rioja.
In Health Centers and Canary Vaccination Points, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Basque Country.
In Baleares, the health councilor indicated days ago that they are studying and announced it on Monday at a press conference.
And Madrid is the only one who will immunize children in hospitals.
In addition, this region wants to put it easy to families: if they have an 11-year-old boy (the first to receive the vaccine), his younger siblings will be vaccinated and at the same time if they are in the 5-11 year old.