It has been the active PSOE position most critical of Pedro Sánchez’s concessions to the independentists and not even in his New Year’s message has Emiliano García-Page failed to pass up the opportunity to once again express his rejection. He has done it from the vantage point of the only absolute majority that his party retains after the debacle of last May’s elections in which it lost six of its nine autonomous governments.

“This confidence gives me, above all, a lot of strength to be able to raise my voice on behalf of Castilla-La Mancha also in the national context, so that only those who want to torpedo or break our Constitution, our system of coexistence and, above all, The reason why I have been active in politics since I was a child is the desire for equality, the desire for a more equal, more cohesive Spain,” said the regional president during his television intervention.

In it, García-Page has committed to “strongly defending” the rights of all citizens “that some want to literally violate.” In the same way, he has implied, in an implicit allusion to ERC and Junts, that there are “very radical positions” and that “we will have to say loud and clear” to those who seek to “scratch” the Magna Carta that it “protects a plural Spain”, to which has added the warning that “diversity and richness completely prevent privilege.”

For his part, in a regional key, the president of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, has valued the arrival of the AVE to his community which, as he has said, will consolidate it as “a tourist power while continuing to be a natural and cultural paradise.” and that it will also “favor economic growth.” Even so, the socialist baron also recalled the commitments of the central Executive pending fulfillment, among which he highlighted the Cercanías plan, the Atlantic Corridor and the progress of the Southwestern Highway.

In addition, the socialist regional leader has also issued a warning about the forgiveness of 15,000 million euros of debt in Catalonia accepted by Sánchez in exchange for the votes of the independence movement for his investiture: “In our model of State, unique and plural at the same time , fully identified with the Constitution and the values ​​that made it possible, neither lack of solidarity nor inequality is possible. The option of applying a write-off of the regional debt or the reform of the financing system that is now being proposed has, by necessity, have to be consistent with those principles.

Alfonso Rueda (PP) wanted to go back to the beginnings of Galician autonomy and, from the Pazo de Xelmírez in Santiago de Compostela where the Parliament of Galicia met for the first time, he has sent a New Year’s Eve message marked by imminent regional electoral appointment on February 18 and the state political situation that also affects Galicia. “There are risks that threaten the constitutional framework that protected Galicia’s progress throughout this time,” he wanted to warn.

In Galician, and interspersing the Pazo de Xelmírez with images of the results of some of Galicia’s star projects in 2023, the president of the “It is necessary to defend it every day.”

At the beginning of autonomy, when the Statute of Autonomy was approved in 1981 and a female president was elected for the first time by popular election, there were also risks that threatened the then young Constitution and, looking back at those first years, he recalled that ” “Equality between citizens, the ties of fraternity that unite us and the credibility of the legal framework that protects us should never be up for negotiation.”

“Today, as before, we must jointly strengthen institutions that channel and amplify the voice of our people,” Rueda asked, recognizing that the built structures need “constant maintenance” to adapt to the evolution of the times, and to be capable of “responding to new challenges”.

On February 18, Galicians are called to the polls, to choose “in freedom and with full autonomy” their path for the coming years and, facing that appointment, Rueda’s wish is that “the debate is always constructive” and “that noise is not added to the daily lives of Galician men and women.” Thus, he wanted to compare the political reality of Galicia with that of the rest of Spain and remember that “although in other places it may seem exceptional, politics in Galicia does not have to be a source of new conflicts, but should always be exercised as a tool to finding solutions”.

He tells the Galicians in this message that there are “many” reasons to feel proud of today’s Galicia, an “open land”, which receives more visitors than ever and to which those who once left as well as their children and family return to live. grandchildren, second and third generation emigrants to whom he took the opportunity to give a welcome message. In 2022, returned emigrants were 8,000.

Among the reasons for pride he lists are achievements for 2023 such as having attracted new investments to create wealth and jobs, breaking export records “in a very competitive world or being a leader in clean energy, “which are synonymous with the future.”

Rueda also boasts that Galicia has a childhood vaccination schedule “more complete than that of any other country”, free education “from the moment you arrive crawling until you leave with your first degree under your arm”, the most economical university in nowhere else and a Professional Training that gains strength every day.

The Galician president does not forget that “we still have a lot to do” and among the challenges for 2024, improving public health, incorporating new technology and reducing waiting times stands out; redouble the commitment to I D i and all the elements that strengthen the foundations of economic growth and eliminate the daily situations in which machismo and inequalities still persist.

“Galicia has no limits other than those that we want to impose on ourselves,” boasts the regional president and, facing 2024, he trusts that it will bring certainties to the people who this year suffered the rigors of the economic situation, both in their homes as well as in their businesses. “The Xunta will continue working so that unknowns are transformed into hope,” he promises.

In her first end-of-year speech, María Guardiola – who chose the Helga de Alvear Museum in Cáceres as the setting for her broadcast – demanded that Pedro Sánchez’s Government invest in Extremadura. For that, she asked him “to make public and materialize his commitment to our land” because she added that it is “a question of loyalty, historical reparation and compensation after years of abandonment and omission.” As an argument for this, the Extremaduran president appealed to article 138 of the Constitution, which expressly cites, as she stressed, “the establishment of an economic, adequate and fair balance between the various parts of the Spanish territory…” which does not may imply, as he added, “in no case economic and social privileges.” In this sense, Guardiola warned: “We don’t want walls, we want bridges.” Hence, she asked that “our demands be heard in Madrid” because, she indicated, “our commitment to this land has always been above acronyms.”

In this context, he put the emphasis on his government’s first budgets, which will be carried out in February with the support of Vox, as this parliamentary group has already confirmed. With these accounts, he assured that “the change in our land” begins with the main objective of “relieving” the domestic economic burden of families and also so that “the self-employed and SMEs” find accommodation in Extremadura”, as well as life in the rural area. All of this, Guardiola stated, “to create quality employment” and that “no one has to go out and find opportunities outside.” Thus, he said that from now on “we want to compete, we want to grow, we want progress” while He thanked the support received at the polls last May: “I feel a great responsibility and a commitment to all Extremadurans, no matter who they vote for, which encourages me to work tirelessly in difficult times.” At the same time, he spoke of challenges and challenges, such as infrastructure in Extremadura, the battle against climate change, the shopping basket, rents or mortgages.

The first words of his speech had been to pay tribute to the figure of Helga de Alvear, the collector of German origin who has lived in Spain for decades, where she began her passion for contemporary art to finally build one of the most important contemporary museums in the world. In this context, he appealed to the importance of culture and even more so in such “uncertain” times and with “tragedies” for which there is no explanation, he stressed, such as the war in Ukraine or “the confrontation between the State of Israel and the group terrorist Hamas” that “is costing the lives of many innocent people. For them she had the first memory of her.

On the other hand, the Extremaduran president opted “for dialogue and understanding” between the different political forces while she had a few words of remembrance for the 52 women who were fatalities due to gender violence in this last year, “an unbearable number,” she indicated. while appealing to honor his memory “every day fighting machismo with all the means at our disposal.”

The president of the Government of Aragon, the popular Jorge Azcón, in his end-of-year speech, made a plea in defense of the Constitution and the unity of Spain in the face of the independence threat.

He has indicated that “the defense of the Constitution and our freedom has recently become a challenge that we cannot avoid.” And he added: “We reaffirm our commitment to the national unity of Spain, the freedom and equality of all Spaniards.”

For this reason, “from the Government that I preside over, I have committed to carrying out all possible initiatives to prevent what has given us the greatest collective successes from being destroyed by the lack of solidarity and selfishness of a few.”

A task to which he has called on the Aragonese “with determination, because a free society must assert the essence that defines it and defend it with courage and conviction.”

He recalled that “from the Government that I preside over, I have committed to carrying out all possible initiatives to prevent what has given us the greatest collective successes from being destroyed by the lack of solidarity and selfishness of a few.”

In this regard, he said that “in the face of attacks from those who are willing to break this constitutional framework, it is vital to reinforce the commitment to the Constitution and the Statute of Aragon as essential laws to strengthen our present and our future.” And he has specified that “in no case are we going to allow the shameful pacts of the central government with the independence movement to relegate us Aragonese as second-class Spaniards.”

The President of the Government, Marga Prohens (PP), intends to “give a new impetus to the economy” of the Balearic Islands in 2024 with measures to encourage “economic freedom and administrative simplification”.

This is what Prohens stated in the institutional speech broadcast this Saturday night on regional television, IB3, in which he emphasized his desire to promote the reduction of bureaucracy: “We want public administrations to stop being a problem for citizens and an obstacle to the competitiveness of companies”.

In her first end-of-year message as president, the leader of the Balearic PP has stressed that in 2023 citizens overwhelmingly opted for her party’s electoral offer, “a clear project of management, moderation and freedom” and opted to pass “page of excessive prohibitionism and interventionism” of the previous left-wing Government, reports Efe.

Prohens, who recalled that last year marked the fortieth anniversary of the Statute of Autonomy, stressed that it was also the year of confirmation of the “full reactivation” of the economy, “the result of strength and competitiveness.” “of the business fabric and the workers.

The president of the Government of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, congratulated the New Year to all citizens of the Region of Murcia from Caravaca de la Cruz, which celebrates its Jubilee Year in 2024, and appealed in this coming year to ” unity”, because “this land has already shown that together we are capable of overcoming any obstacle”.

Thus, he asked to maintain “the path of collective effort and encounter” to continue building, “among all”, a “prosperous, inclusive and sustainable” Region of Murcia.

During his institutional message on the occasion of the New Year, and in reference to the jubilee of Caravaca de la Cruz, the head of the regional Executive stated that “everything is prepared to enjoy this great cultural, tourist and religious event, which will attract all eyes and thousands and thousands of pilgrims”. This appointment places the Region, according to López Miras, as a “must destination” in 2024, and “opens before us a year in which tourism will be a lever for growth.”

In addition, the president also referred to what will be priority policies of his Government in this new year. Among them he especially highlighted “the plans and initiatives that will have young people as protagonists”, in order to offer them “a horizon of opportunities”, Europa Press reports.

The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has defended the “valuable heritage” that the Constitution has given against the “threat of being emptied of fundamental contents”, while emphasizing that this model must ensure ” fair economic resources for all, without unsupportive privileges due to particular interests”, something that, he has added, he will not consent to.

In his Christmas message, through his account on the social network ‘X’ and echoed by Europa Press, the head of the regional Executive has taken stock of the year that has just ended and in which Castilla y León has celebrated its 40 years of the Statute and 45 of the Magna Carta. “These 45 years of the Constitution and these 40 years of the Statute have shown us that together we go further and are stronger. With dialogue, with great political and social consensus, with total loyalty to the Constitution, always proud of the prominence that our land has had in the history of Spain and has today in its present”, he argued.

For Mañueco, during this “fruitful journey” the “identity” of the Community has been strengthened, “grown in democracy and equality, advanced socially and economically and achieved a higher quality of life.” “Today we are a broad, generous, welcoming land, especially for its children who had to leave it and whose return and whose life continues to be one of our priorities. I tell you that you are the most intimate part of Castilla y León, you give it meaning and that each one who returns is a reason to celebrate for everyone,” he added.