Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) – In the trial against the mother of a baby found dead in a garbage can, the prosecution demanded a life sentence for murder. Contrary to what the 24-year-old claimed, she knew about the pregnancy, the prosecutor said in his plea on Thursday. After the arrest and later in the trial, the accused admitted to having killed the baby in the bathroom shortly after the secret birth. The police named the girl Rabea.

According to the public prosecutor, the 24-year-old wanted to hide the pregnancy and “prevent the child’s father from being awakened by the child’s screams”. One day before the child was born, she put a video online showing her stroking her baby bump in the tub. She exchanged chats with friends about her unwanted pregnancy and a possible abortion.

A psychiatric expert said in the process that the 24-year-old Pole was less criminally responsible because of a severe personality disorder. Her defense attorney stated that the client was overwhelmed at the time of the crime because of her personality disorder. He asked for a manslaughter conviction to seven years in prison and placement in a psychiatric hospital.

After the discovery of the baby’s corpse at the end of March, the police asked women in the area for a DNA test and thus identified the mother. She lived with her mother and younger brother just 200 meters from where she was found. Neither the relatives nor the 40-year-old child’s father, who lives in Mettmann, want to have known about the young woman’s pregnancy.