Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – North Rhine-Westphalia has missed the new self-imposed target of 3000 police candidates in 2022. As can be seen from documents for the budget committee, only 2670 candidates were hired in the new training year. Although that is 70 more than originally planned, budget funds were subsequently made available for 400 more candidates. The “WAZ” had previously reported.

In the black-green coalition agreement, it was stipulated that 3,000 new police officers would be hired every year. Although the application process for 2022 had actually already taken place, the goal was to be implemented later – which was not possible.

FDP parliamentary group leader Ralf Witzel criticized: “The creation of new positions is often only symbolic politics if they cannot be filled in the first place. Vacancies increasingly endanger the state’s ability to act in core areas and thus also questions of justice.” Witzel called for a “new creativity and attractiveness in public service”.

In the current application process, which is looking for candidates to start next year, the deadline was extended by four weeks. The minimum height of 1.63 meters for applicants has now also been relaxed in order to find more suitable applicants.