Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Because she tried to kill her children, a 43-year-old mother has to be permanently in a closed psychiatric ward. The Düsseldorf Regional Court ordered this on Wednesday. In the so-called security procedure, the woman was on trial for attempted manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm. At the time of the crime, she was not guilty due to a severe psychosis.

“In the clinic you will learn to deal with your illness,” said the presiding judge to the 43-year-old. “You’ll make it, I’m sure of it.” According to the findings of the court, the mother first stabbed her six and nine-year-old children with a knife in Neuss in September and then tried to kill herself with drugs.

“You have to realize that you were very lucky,” the judge continued. “The children and you have recovered well.” Her husband should therefore have prevented the tragedy from dying.

The man had been on his way. After calling his wife at home, he became suspicious and went home. In the apartment he came across the critically injured children and immediately took them to a hospital. The court’s decision is not yet final.