North Rhine-Westphalia wants to set another sign of solidarity with Ukraine. For the parliamentary groups, the topic is at the top of the agenda on Wednesday. Afterwards, however, there should be a lot of excitement again in the plenum between black-green and opposition.

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – A good year after the start of the Russian war of aggression, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament wants to adopt a declaration of solidarity with Ukraine on Wednesday (10 a.m.). In a resolution, the parliamentary groups of the CDU, Greens, SPD and FDP condemn the Russian war as a “blatant breach of international law” and demand that those responsible for war crimes be held accountable. North Rhine-Westphalia continues to offer refuge to war refugees.

Then, at the request of the opposition factions of the SPD and FDP, a current hour is about animal husbandry. NRW Minister of Agriculture Silke Gorißen (CDU) had criticized the animal husbandry labeling law planned by Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir (Greens) as incomplete. This would stifle animal husbandry. The opposition is now demanding that the black-green state government should present its announced plans for more animal welfare.

Later in the evening (around 9:00 p.m.), the state parliament finally voted on the abolition of the 1000 meter minimum distance between wind turbines and residential buildings in so-called repowering projects. Modern, more powerful systems replace older ones at existing locations. The black-green state government wants at least 1000 additional wind turbines to be built in NRW by the end of the 2027 legislative period. The opposition had criticized the plans as not going far enough. That is why the SPD has introduced its own draft law that immediately removes the minimum distance completely.