Dusseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Because he tried to stab a caretaker, a 46-year-old in Dusseldorf has been sentenced to seven years in prison. The district court found him guilty of attempted manslaughter on Friday. In addition, after a year and a half in prison, he should go to a rehab clinic, the court ordered.

The criminal had confessed to stabbing the victim in the back seven months ago after an argument outside his office. He was convinced that the 53-year-old caretaker had stolen 2,100 euros from his mother’s apartment. The defendant claimed that he blacked out but didn’t want to kill the man.

Before the act, he had drunk alcohol and cocaine all night long. He was also suspected by his family because of the missing money.

The prosecutor had asked for an eight-year sentence for attempted murder. But the judges did not see the murder characteristic of insidiousness as proven beyond a doubt, especially since there had previously been a dispute.

At the time, the victim was able to flee with serious injuries because the accused, who was disabled, could not follow him fast enough. The verdict is not yet legally binding.