A 30-year-old man is said to have stabbed his mother to death on Boxing Day 2021. Now the trial against him has begun.

Dortmund (dpa / lnw) – With 15 knife wounds, a 30-year-old Dortmunder is said to have killed his mother on Boxing Day 2021. Since Tuesday, the German has had to answer to the Dortmund Assize Court for insidious murder. After the bloody act early in the morning, the accused himself alerted the police and allowed himself to be arrested without resistance. According to the information, he said about his motive at the time: “She just annoyed me.”

At the beginning of the trial, the 30-year-old did not repeat this admission. Because the psychiatric expert called in by the court was unable to attend the first day of the hearing due to time constraints, the accused’s interrogation was postponed to a later date. However, defense attorney Marco Ostmeyer has already announced that his client will by no means deny the crime. However, it is questionable whether the mother was asleep or awake at the beginning of the attack.