The Sarkozy family is in mourning. As Le Figaro reports, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy announced the death of her stepfather, Pal Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, on her Instagram account. The father of the former President of the Republic died on Saturday March 4 at the age of 94, news that the former head of state had been expecting for some time, according to the daily.

“RIP Pal Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, May 5, 1928-March 4, 2023. Rest in peace,” the former president’s wife wrote on Sunday, posting two portraits of Pal Sarkozy.

Becoming a painter late in life, Pal Sarkozy regularly delivered indiscretions about his son. He had confirmed the pregnancy of his daughter-in-law Carla Bruni-Sarkozy in an interview with the German daily Bild, the most widely read newspaper in Europe. During his son’s tenure, he gave a remarkable interview to Paris Match: “In private, he is warm and kind even if he mainly talks about himself”, “he is sometimes angry and not always very on time” , “very greedy, he loves chocolate. But since he tends to put on weight, he is perpetually on a diet, whereas I eat chocolate all the time.”

He will accumulate interviews about his son. “He will have a much quieter and much more comfortable life if he does not represent himself”, he told the Parisian, acknowledging however that “as an artist, it is a huge advantage to bear the name of the president “.

Pal Sarkozy had an adventurous life. Born on May 5, 1928 in Budapest into a family of Hungarian landed gentry, he fled his then communist country at the age of twenty to escape military service. According to Pascale Nivelle and Elise Karlin (Les Sarkozy, une famille française, Calmann-Lévy 2006), the French consulate in Baden-Baden then refused him a visa. He left for Austria where he joined the Foreign Legion.

He is discharged by a fellow doctor, he leaves for Paris where he spends his first night on a subway entrance. He did small jobs there before going into advertising. Stateless, he became French in 1976. Pal Sarkozy Nagybocsaï francized his name to Pal Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa.

In his memoirs in 2010 Tant de vie, the man, a bit dandy, with a taste for women, recounted his love life in detail with intimate details of his four marriages, including with Andrée Mallah in 1950, the mother Of the president. The couple had three children, Guillaume, Nicolas, then François. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy was very close to his mother, “Dadu”, who died in 2017.