The Peruvian anti-drug police announced Thursday the seizure of 58 kilos of cocaine, ready to be shipped to Belgium from a port in the north of the country, packed in individual packets flocked with the Nazi flag.

The white powder was distributed in about fifty packets with the word “Hitler” written on top.

The cargo was discovered in a container on a Liberian-flagged vessel at the port terminal in Paita, a small town near the Equator. No arrests were reported.

This is the first time that the anti-drug police have said they have seized a shipment of cocaine bearing symbols of Nazi Germany (1933-1945).

Peru is among the three largest cocaine producing countries in the world, along with Bolivia and Colombia.

The authorities estimate its production at 400 tons per year. Some 22 tons were seized in 2022.

05/25/2023 23:34:57 –         Lima (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP