Nearly two hours after taking up residence in the Parliament, the hundreds of demonstrators began a withdrawal, noted an AFP correspondent, obeying the instructions launched shortly before on Twitter by the kingmaker Moqtada Sadr, essential player of the Shia political scene.

The political deadlock is total in Iraq ten months after the October 2021 legislative elections. Negotiations to form a new government are stalling, against a backdrop of behind-the-scenes haggling and virulent quarrels between the political barons who have dominated public life since the fall of President Saddam Hussein in 2003.

At the end of Wednesday afternoon, once they entered the green zone, hundreds of demonstrators headed for Parliament, which they took over, despite police tear gas fire, a protester told AFP. secure source.

The protesters occupied the inner hall and the hemicycle, waving Iraqi flags and applauding, reported an AFP correspondent on the spot.

“We reject the whole political process”, castigated the demonstrator Bashar in the precincts of Parliament. “We want an independent personality at the service of the people,” he castigated.

– “Go home” –

The demonstrators denounce the candidacy for the post of Prime Minister of Mohamed Chia al-Soudani, a 52-year-old former minister and former provincial governor.

He is the candidate of the “Coordination Framework”, an alliance of pro-Iran Shiite factions bringing together the formation of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and representatives of Hachd al-Chaabi, former paramilitaries integrated into the regular forces.

“Revolution of reform and rejection of injustice and corruption,” Mr. Sadr tweeted in support of the protesters.

“Your message has been heard (…) You have terrorized the corrupt”, he added, calling on the demonstrators to say a prayer “before returning home safe and sound”.

“We obey the Sayyed,” chanted the demonstrators as they quietly left Parliament, alluding to the title of descendant of the prophet enjoyed by Mr. Sadr.

Follower of blows, Mr. Sadr had however abandoned to his adversaries the task of forming a government, causing his 73 deputies to resign in June: they represented the first force within the Parliament of 329 deputies.

Mr. Sadr regularly reminds his opponents that he continues to enjoy a popular base in the streets. In mid-July, he had mobilized hundreds of thousands of Iraqis for a collective Friday prayer in Baghdad.

The Coordination Framework on Wednesday accused the government of complacency vis-à-vis the demonstrators, calling for “firm measures to maintain security and order, and prevent chaos”.

Prime Minister Moustafa al-Kazimi had called on protesters to “withdraw immediately” from the green zone, warning in a statement that the security forces would ensure “the protection of state institutions and foreign missions”.

Before investing this district in the heart of Baghdad with guarded entrances, where journalists and visitors must have a badge to access it, the demonstrators gathered in a central square, waving Iraqi flags and portraits of Moqtada Sadr, castigating the Coordination Framework candidate.

“I am against the corrupt who are in power,” said protester Mohamed Ali, a 41-year-old daily worker. “I am against Soudani’s candidacy, because he is a corrupt person who is part of Maliki’s camp,” he castigated.

The political paralysis is total, since for ten months the country has been waiting not only for the appointment of a new Prime Minister but also of a President of the Republic.

This post traditionally goes to a Kurd, but on this issue there is also a blockage: the two major historical Kurdish parties have not managed to agree on a candidate.