When it was called a month ago, no one in Vox or the Denaes Foundation imagined that their protest against the amnesty would be held just 24 hours after Pedro Sánchez defended it “on behalf of Spain” under the argument that “it is the only way for there to be a Government”. It was the final straw, the definitive reason, the straw that broke the camel’s back, they explained in the match, which led many of the protesters present this Sunday in Colón, and numbered in tens of thousands, to take to the streets and cry out against a measure which places Sánchez among the greatest “traitors” in the history of Spain.

With this thesis, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, defended his rejection of any type of forgiveness for the independence movement. “Let’s get together in this square to denounce and warn the most corrupt president in the history of Spain,” Abascal launched before thousands of people who applauded the Vox leader when he considered that Sánchez will go down in history as one of the greatest traitors in history. from Spain, along with, among others, Carles Puigdemont and Sabino Arana. He also “along with Count Don Julián, Vellido Dolfos, Godoy and Fernando VII.”

What’s more, he urged the President of the Government to ask Puigdemont to “prepare the guest room for Waterloo” if, as he anticipated this Saturday with the “bovine applause” of the Federal Committee of the PSOE, he ends up agreeing on an amnesty for the independence movement. “He will answer to the Spanish if he dares,” he advanced.

He did so at an event in which both the organizers, the Denaes Foundation, and the Government Delegation estimated 100,000 attendees. “Do not dare to invoke the name of Spain to break the laws,” Abascal warned the head of the Executive, calling him a “megalomaniac”, “unscrupulous autocrat” and “enemy of the interests of Spain and the Spanish people.” And for this reason, he asserted that he will defend unity and freedom against the independence movement through all legal means: “We will not allow it,” he said about the amnesty. “They’re not going to walk over us.”

The threat of rain did not stop the protesters, who packed the iconic Plaza de Colón, where Vox celebrated its closing campaign on July 21. At the same time, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the PP leadership also gathered thousands of people in the center of Málaga in a rally against the amnesty.

The Madrid demonstration, called by Denaes – the foundation from which Vox was later born -, had a large representation of civic associations in defense of compliance with the Constitution: Pie en Pared, Neos, S’Ha Finish, Tabarnia or Villacisneros, among other. Also Solidaridad, the union related to Vox. More than 60 groups, according to the organizers, were present.

Also, in addition to the entire Vox leadership, prominent former leaders of the PP, Ciudadanos and UPyD attended, such as Esperanza Aguirre, Jaime Mayor Oreja, Fernando Savater, Juan Carlos Girauta, Rosa Díez or Marcos de Quinto. Also Carlos García Adanero, signed by the PP after his expulsion from UPN.