The PP has already chosen the squares in which it will gather on Sunday, at 12:00 p.m., against the amnesty for the crimes of the process. The popular have summoned citizens in all the provincial capitals of Spain. In Madrid, the chosen place is Puerta del Sol, where Alberto Núñez Feijóo will go, as EL MUNDO has learned. And in Barcelona they will join the protest organized by 40 civil society entities in Plaza Sant Jaume, headquarters of the Generalitat.

Furthermore, in Seville the event will be held in the Plaza de San Francisco, in the old town. In Valencia, the chosen place is the Plaza del Temple, next to the Turia Gardens. In Zaragoza, the call is between Alfonso I and Santiago streets. That is, right next to the Plaza del Pilar. In Murcia, in the Plaza del Cardenal Belluga, in front of the cathedral.

The choice of these enclaves has been marked by the possibility of them “overflowing”, as has happened so far in the rallies of this party against the amnesty, which have been held on weekends in Santiago, Madrid, Toledo, Malaga and Valencia.

In A Coruña, the protest will take place in the Jardines de Méndez Núñez, and in Valladolid, in the Plaza Mayor. In Toledo, the land of the only socialist baron critical of the amnesty, Emiliano García-Page, the popular people will cry out against the “privileges” to the independence movement in the iconic Plaza de Zocodover. In Vitoria, the Plaza de los Celedones de Oro.

The PP wants all these “concentrations” to be “massive”, but “peaceful.” Those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo thus distance themselves from the demonstrations that are taking place in front of the PSOE headquarters, supported by Vox, and which ended on Monday with altercations and tear gas.

“We are never going to call a demonstration at the headquarters of any party,” sources from the ‘popular’ leadership settled this Tuesday, to discredit Vox’s participation in these events.

In Genoa they do not want the focus to be diverted from the amnesty towards the development of the protests, because that would benefit the socialists: “The way to protest against the unworthy negotiations of the PSOE is to do it in such a way that Pedro Sánchez does not manage to divert the attention to their indecency,” they said in a statement.

The general secretary of the main opposition party to the acting Government, Cuca Gamarra, pointed out at a press conference in Congress that “there are actions that in themselves are condemnable”, and added that there is also unrest “that have the right to be able to express” the protesters. “The call we make is for the exercise of freedom of expression” to be channeled in the squares and always in an authorized manner.

At the National Board of Directors of the PP, Feijóo announced this strategy of cluster concentrations, in all the capitals except those mentioned. “On November 12 we will be in the squares of all the capitals of Spain remembering that we are a democracy and a rule of law,” he said. “On the 12th, at 12 noon,” the PP will say that “no one disputes that Spain is a democracy, but a democracy without the rule of law is a hollow democracy.”

In addition, Feijóo will be at the “great demonstration called by civil society” on the 18th in the Plaza de Cibeles, in Madrid: “We will show that Spain will remain united and that they will never be able to buy off Spanish society,” he assured. “We are going to continue, they are not going to silence us, or silence us, and they are not going to stop us.”