It was one of the great surprises of Yolanda Díaz’s interview last Sunday on La Sexta. The leader of Sumar hinted that she will vote for Mónica García, from Más Madrid, in the regional elections and not for Unidas Podemos. This is how they have interpreted it from different sectors of the political space, not only Podemos, of course. Barely 36 hours later, some of the vice president’s allies have distanced themselves from her and have come out in defense of Alejandra Jacinto, who is the United Podemos candidate for the Madrid elections.

One of those partners is Izquierda Unida, which is one of the organizations that are involved in that Madrid candidacy. The federal coordinator of IU, Alberto Garzón, has announced that she will have her “vote”. It would not be news for the head of a political formation to announce that if it were not for the fact that he also understands that he has received the idea that Díaz will support a candidacy against which they are facing.

Thus, Garzón has used Twitter to praise the political figure of Jacinto. “His career as an activist and as a public representative is impeccable. Also, no less important, he does this excellent job taking care of alliances and respecting everyone,” said the IU leader, who also stressed that he is running a campaign “great”.

In the same way, from the En Comú Podem space they wanted to send explicit support to Jacinto by pointing her out as their candidate for the Madrid elections. The leader of the commons in Congress, Jaume Asens, has assured that he will “support” the candidacy of United We Can. “I do have clear in Madrid who I am going to support,” he has influenced.

Neither IU nor Comunes directly reprimand Díaz for his words. For example, Asens has balanced to avoid making an explicit reproach. “He didn’t surprise me, he didn’t stop surprising me”, he has pointed out, “he didn’t say what exactly he would do”.

The ballot is complicated for Díaz because it happens that there are formations that are aligning themselves with Sumar that compete against lists headed by Podemos, which for now maintains distances and strong discrepancies with them. It happens with special incidence in Madrid, but also in the Valencian Community (Compromís) or Drago Verdes Canarias (on the islands). These three organizations were supporting Díaz in Magariños. Just like, by the way, Garzón and Asens were also present with very powerful IU and commons delegations.

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