Podemos is going to consult its bases if they approve the “new roadmap” drawn up by around 6,000 militants to “continue transforming” the country. Specifically, they will be asked to rule on whether they approve of reinforcing the “autonomy” of the party, its “strengthening as an organization” and “the articulation of pre-electoral agreements when these are useful and as long as the lists are configured through primaries and without vetoes”.

The poll among the bases with which the aim is to promote the original brand coined in its day under the leadership of Pablo Iglesias takes place in full conflict with Sumar – the platform with which they participated in coalition in the general elections of 23-J- for the distribution of ministries in the face of the foreseeable reissue of a two-color Government with the PSOE. In the purple formation, not only do they continue to publicly demand Yolanda Díaz’s share of power in La Moncloa, but they also want Irene Montero to maintain the Equality portfolio.

Militancy will be able to vote on Thursday and Friday, November 2 and 3, within an “organizational strengthening process” undertaken in the month of September, which in the words of the general secretary, Ione Belarra, seeks to “recover a strong Podemos” and with “ability to set the direction of the State” to “take democratic, feminist and environmental transformations further than anyone ever before.” The result will be known on Saturday within the framework of the Political Conference to be held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid.

In the purple party they point out that the collective preparation of the consultation has involved “an exercise in effective participation unprecedented in recent history.” The text has been debated in thirty meetings at the regional level and in hundreds of meetings in their circles. In total, 5,900 activists have participated in person and directly and 2,255 amendments have been collected, both individual and collective, of which almost 90% have been incorporated into the final text.

With this process, Podemos tries to challenge Díaz for the lost hegemony within the space of the alternative left to the PSOE to recover a leading role. The announcement of its launch two months ago was already interpreted as a declaration of rebellion against playing a secondary role, as Sumar is offering in Congress, or being left out of the future coalition government, as it is feared it will. happen.

After demanding primaries for the election of the electoral lists of 23-J, the formation that Belarra now leads ended up accepting Sumar’s decision not to carry out said internal process and agreed to go in coalition on the platform created by the vice president. second in office, accepting the sacrifice of dropping Montero, whom they consider their “main political asset.” At that time it was considered that attending alone was riskier and could politically and economically compromise her future, although they called the “veto” of the Minister of Equality “unfair.”