Podemos has taken a step further in its criticism of Israel by calling this Saturday to participate in boycott actions against companies that collaborate with the country governed by Benjamin Netanyahu, “as Carrefour does.” Furthermore, he applauded the “diplomatic tension” created by Pedro Sánchez on the conflict after condemning “the death of innocent people in Gaza, including thousands of children”, during an official visit.

“Here, in Spain, the social and political pressure and this movement for the end of the genocide has meant that, finally, the President of the Government has had to move and that Spain, even after a month and a half of mass murders of civilians, has finally withdrawn the Israeli ambassador,” the general secretary of the purple party, Ione Belarra, highlighted this Saturday, attributing part of the responsibility for this strategic change to her formation.

During her speech at the State Citizen Council this Saturday, the Podemos leader stressed that “this diplomatic tension is good news” and that “it is the result of critical public opinion.” To which he added, in a direct message to Sánchez: “Now that he has been able to verify for himself that a genocidal state like the Israeli cannot be stopped with words alone, it is time to take a definitive step forward and agree.” concrete measures”.

In this sense, Belarra has urged the Government of Spain of which Sumar is a member – the party with which she participated in the general elections – to break its “diplomatic relations with Israel definitively until the ceasefire”, “economic sanctions “exemplary attacks against Netanyahu and against his political leadership exactly as was done with Putin” for the war in Ukraine and “immediate arms embargo.” He has also stressed that “the complicity of others with the State of Israel cannot justify, in any case, our own inaction.”

“We have to stop this barbarism because if I am not convinced that barbarism is going to drag us down with it and then it will be too late, as it was almost a century ago when fascism reigned throughout Europe (…). I ask you to that we all leave nothing undone, that we go to every mobilization, that we collect signatures, that we attend the talks and that we participate in the boycott actions against companies that collaborate with Israel, as Carrefour does,” the secretary asked. general of Podemos.

It is not the first time that the purple formation points to multinationals. In January, when he was still part of the coalition government from which he was excluded this week, he described as “indecent” that the large distribution companies and their owners such as Mercadona and its president, Juan Roig, whom he called “ruthless capitalists” were “making gold” from rising food prices.

This Saturday Belarra also referred to the more than 63,000 signatures that have been collected requesting that Netanyahu be brought before the International Criminal Court and “that he be judged for what he is, a war criminal.” And he concluded: “Let’s continue working for peace. Only decent people can turn this horror around.”