The Minister of Social Welfare of the Government of Aragon, Carmen Marín Susín, criticized this Thursday the “disloyalty” and “irresponsibility” of the Ministry of the Interior for sending 200 immigrants from the Canary Islands to Huesca without prior notice and without coordination for their assistance. .

The immigrants have been urgently housed, 50 in the Montearagón Hotel in Quicena and another 145 in the Pirenarium shelter in Sabiñánigo, through the Apip Acam Foundation.

The counselor has described it as “institutional disloyalty” and “irresponsibility” that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has made the decision without previously notifying the Government of Aragon. In statements to the media, she indicated that “we do not know how long they will stay, nor their subsequent journey, nor what the Government of Aragon should do to serve them appropriately.”

The counselor regretted that they treat immigrants “as if they were packages, distributing them throughout Spain, without notifying the regional governments even though we have the means to adequately care for them.”

According to, the group sent to Huesca will be joined by another group made up of 85 sub-Saharans who will arrive next weekend in Zaragoza, and another 50 more in Tarazona.

Despite the controversy due to lack of coordination, the Department of Social Welfare is preparing the assistance device beyond the first aid agreed upon by the Interior with the NGOs. These are young people who will require basic issues such as health coverage, language learning and a job placement itinerary.

To resolve these issues, the regional Executive has convened this Friday the Migration Table, where, in addition to the Government of Aragon, the Government Delegation, personnel from the regions and entities involved in the care of immigrants will be present.