Vox concludes its second motion of censure against Pedro Sánchez with relief, since it considers dissipated the “concern” that a figure like Ramón Tamames, with a past in the Communist Party, generated among its bases, and which grew more as He was made aware of statements that confirmed conflicting postulates on capital issues for training. From the definition of Spain as a “nation of nations” to other differences in climate change, the use of the flag or the conception of the President of the Government himself.

That “concern”, now recognized by Vox sources, would have turned into “satisfaction” in his electorate, according to them, especially after verifying that with his speech he was closer to Vox than it might seem at first. “We are better than three days ago.”

From the formation headed by Santiago Abascal, it is recognized that Tamames’ initial speech was written and they knew what he was going to say in Congress, however, they recognize that the aftershocks were unpredictable and that they could not foresee what the result would be there. In addition to the fact that the candidate had claimed before them in public and in private his absolute freedom to say what he wanted during the debate. After the motion, the conclusion for the Vox leadership is that the differences between the parties have not been such, that they have been seen to be closer than expected, and that therefore the interventions of Abascal and Tamames have been more aligned.

For all these reasons, Vox considers that it has met that challenge and that the party comes out “reinforced” in the face of voters because it has once again “portrayed” “one of the worst governments in history and with the worst allies.” “This is what we wanted,” say party sources.

They thus celebrate a motion of no confidence that has had to weather harsh criticism among the opposition forces and that has achieved a pyrrhic result in the vote. Of the 298 deputies who were not from Vox and who aspired to convince to vote in favor, it only found an echo in one. Specifically, Pablo Cambronero, a former Ciudadanos deputy who left the liberal party and took his seat with him, and who is now in the Mixed Group. It seems that with his vote a nod to the future is made to Vox, which will have to make electoral lists in the month of autumn.

In Vox not only do they not regret the motion, but they declare themselves “proud” of having promoted the candidacy of Tamames, who in their opinion has gone to Congress to bring “harmony” to a tense environment. Thus, the sources consulted indicate that the relationship with Tamames “does not end here” and that it will continue. In fact, a lunch is planned one of these days to analyze the situation.

Regarding the consequences of the motion of no confidence in the future in the space of the right, the presentation of the initiative has increased the coldness and the distance between Vox and the PP. The popular ones opted for abstention and strongly rejected Tamames’ motion. Vox assumes with “concern” the attitude of the popular, to whom Abascal in his speech asked them to make a “clean slate” and vote in favor to “understand each other tomorrow”, in a reference to the regional and municipal elections in May and the year-end general

It was not so. And now Vox charges against the PP, to which they point out the contradiction of requesting early elections but at the same time voting against a motion that pursues that as its sole objective. Hence, from Vox it is warned, as it already did in the debate, that the PP seems to aspire to take over from Podemos as a partner of the PSOE.

In another order of things, the book For a Spain of all: Our best future has already gone on sale, in which Tamames includes his speech on Tuesday. It is the first, because there will be another one in which he delves into the intricacies of the motion of censure, as this newspaper announced.

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