The National Police has summoned the organizer of the New Year’s Eve protest in the vicinity of the PSOE headquarters in Madrid, where a doll they identified as Pedro Sánchez was hanged and viciously beaten, to take a statement regarding what happened. Police sources have informed Efe.

The protest, like those that have been taking place for almost two months next to the socialist headquarters on Ferraz Street in Madrid, had as its protagonist last night – as can be seen in the recorded images – a doll representing a man dressed in a suit and Pinocchio’s nose, which some of the participants, encouraged by the audience, hung and hit until it broke.

In a message shared on the the entrances to Ferraz, stuffed with nougat to hit her. End of the story”.

In addition to stating that “the event took place normally, in a protest atmosphere within the reasonable festivity of this important date,” the message ensures that the live broadcast was followed by “more than 100,000 viewers on the organization’s channel.” and “more than 200,000” in a digital media.

The PSOE made public this Monday that what happened in the vicinity of its federal headquarters “may be included in a hate crime”, which is why it “is studying all legal avenues” against the participants, organizers and presenters of the broadcast. that was made of the protest on a YouTube channel.

What happened has also provoked the reaction of several ministers and socialist leaders, such as the first vice president of the Government, María Jesús Montero, who wrote in X: “When the extreme right is given air, this happens. A group of madmen seriously insulting the President of the Government at the doors of Ferraz and without Feijóo having done anything to prevent it or having condemned him yet.”

The also Minister of Education, FP and Sports, Pilar Alegría, has shared a video of the protest, called by Revuelta – a youth organization in the Vox orbit -, in which a hanging Sánchez doll is seen, with some protesters also they beat The rally brought together about 300 people, according to the Madrid Government Delegation.

The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Democratic Memory, Félix Bolaños, has also condemned what happened. “Not only are they besieging our headquarters, now they are also simulating the beating of the President of the Government of Spain. Enough of hatred. Enough of the madmen,” he wrote in a message on X, in which he assured that in 2024 the Executive will continue “working for a more just, free, diverse, habitable and tolerant Spain”.

“The truth is that they stopped being funny a long time ago. The complacent attitudes of some PP leaders and their media outlets have given them wings. This cannot be tolerated anymore,” said the minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, in relation to the same events.