You need cleaning companies to help maintain your office. Given how busy you are and your entire team, you cannot expect them to clean the place. However, you cannot let things remain as they are. No one wants to work in an environment which is too messy and possibly unhealthy. Hiring office cleaning and Maintenance in London helps keep the place in proper order. You can find cleaning agencies that can do the job well.


The first step in asking for an agency to clean the office is to set up an appointment with a representative. You need to ask questions regarding the services provided before you can finalise your decision.


How much do your services cost?


You need to know the rates for the services offered. Check if there are packages available. Determine the number of people the agency will send to maintain your office at a given time. It does not mean that you should select the company with the cheapest rates. Find out which of them can provide the best services given the amount that they are collecting.


Do you perform background checks?


The cleaners are not necessarily your employees. You are paying the cleaning agency, and they will find the people to do the job for you. These are strangers that you did not screen, but you give them access to your office. You need to make sure that the cleaning agency did the necessary background checks. The office cleaners might end up cleaning your computers containing sensitive files. They might also come across some papers containing valuable information. You do not want people with a criminal history to be near these things. You are also putting the safety of your employees at risk if they do the job during work hours.


Do you have insurance?


You want the cleaning agency to be liable if the cleaners end up stealing something from the office. You also want them to be responsible for injuries and damages resulting from the cleaning job being done. You might save money by hiring cheap cleaning agencies, but if they do not have comprehensive insurance, you could end up spending way more.


Do you bring supplies?


You want to check if the payment is inclusive of cleaning supplies. They are not expensive, but over time, they could lead to a massive bill. You want the cleaning company to be responsible for providing the cleaning tools and equipment. Check if the tools they use are hypoallergenic. You can also indicate that some people in your company are allergic to some ingredients.


Is there a contract?


You need to know the details of the contract before you finalise it. You do not want to tie yourself up with a cleaning agency if it fails to provide quality services from the start. You need a short-term contract so that you can opt out if you do not feel satisfied.


Once you receive satisfactory responses, it is time to finalise your partnership; otherwise, you need to keep looking.









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