In the refugee accommodation at the Old airfield in the district of Frankfurt Bonames are infected demonstrably eleven families, each with several members with scabies (scabies). The social Department of the city announced on Thursday. We are appalled that the Situation in the home was not so bad. City Councilor and social Department head Daniela Birkenfeld (CDU), has called on the Diakonisches Werk Frankfurt and Offenbach strongly, changes in the refugee accommodation in Bonames to make.

Theresa White

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by parasites. The tiny itch mites burrow into the upper Horny layer of the skin and form small gears.The disease is widespread especially in places where many people in a small space, living under poor hygienic conditions.

apartments tight and wet

the accommodation in Bonames, the carrier diakonia is,life 333 residents, many for several years. The Refugees have made in the last week on their bad living conditions. They complained about the Close and the poor structural condition of your residential units; in some of the regne it. Also, you have no continuous access to hot water and a few cooking facilities.

The town is aware of the criticism, and the social welfare Department informed that they have installed new hot water boiler. You can check if other electrical connections can be laid for the additional hot plates. As the property is in the protected green belt, it is readily possible to lay the lines.

To add to this criticism of the living conditions, the spread of the disease now. Scabies spreads property at least since October of 2019 in the Refugee. The diakonia was known, residents were medically supervised, according to the social Department. That the carrier had lost the Situation, so from the point of view, was shocking.

steps for improvement

is initiated That it will give scabies cases in the property,confirmed the head of the institution on demand of the welfare Department and spoke first of up to three affected families. The residents reported significantly more cases of scabies. Birch box ließdas health Department to inform. After a visit to the health office at the property on Wednesday evening, the Department assumes that at least eleven families with several dozen victims, who are suffering from scabies.