The mother of Santiago Sánchez Cogedor, released this Sunday by Iran after being imprisoned in that country a little over a year ago after visiting the grave of Mahsa Amini, has already spoken with her son and hopes for his prompt arrival in Spain, from which he still He doesn’t know the details.

In statements to EFE today, Monday, Celia Cogedor explained that she was able to speak with her son by telephone yesterday as soon as he was released from a prison in Tehran, where he had remained since October 2022.

Then transferred to the Spanish embassy in Iran, the Spaniard flies tonight to Spain, confirmed the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, on the social network X.

The 41-year-old man from Madrid was arrested when he visited the grave of Mahsa Amini during a walking trip around the world that he was taking with the final destination of Qatar, on the occasion of the Soccer World Cup held in that country.

In a message on the social network X, the Iranian Embassy in Spain announced this Sunday afternoon the release of the only Spaniard imprisoned in that country.

The release, according to Iran, was carried out “within the framework of friendly and historical relations between the two countries and in compliance with laws.”

At this time, Santiago Cogedor is waiting for the necessary procedures and the organization of flights to be able to return to Spain.

On October 2 of last year, he was arrested in the Kurdish city of Saqqez after visiting and photographing the grave of Mahsa Amini, whose death due to wearing the veil incorrectly caused strong protests in the country itself, and much of the world, which died out. after a strong repression that caused 500 deaths, thousands of arrests and several executions of protesters.

The Spaniard was arrested and transferred to prison, where he has been for more than 14 months. There, he went on a hunger strike to demand better treatment in prison and his release. According to what his mother told EFE a few months ago, in prison he organized soccer, volleyball and chess tournaments.

“Pambu (as his family and friends call Santiago) is now calmer and has taken his stay in the Iranian prison as a volunteer, because there are many people there he can help,” his mother declared last October.

Santiago’s family even turned to Real Madrid to have the football club mediate with Iran to obtain his release, although it did not respond to the request for help.

Since he was detained, Spanish diplomacy has maintained negotiations with Iran for his release.

King Felipe VI celebrated the release of the man from Madrid: “Santiago Sánchez Cogedor has been released in Iran. We celebrate his return to Spain for the New Year,” according to the Casa de S.M. the King on his social network account X.

On the other hand, the mayor of Alcalá de Henares, Judith Piquet, expressed “the joy of all the citizens” of the town after learning of the release of her neighbor Santiago Sánchez Cogedor.

Piquet thanked the entire team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with its head José Manuel Albares at the head, and the diplomats of the Iranian Embassy for the “effective” and at the same time “discreet and silent” work that they have carried out all this time.