The renewables will be left this year to the doors of having generated half of the electricity produced in Spain, thanks to the wind, which has already become in the dominant source, by producing almost 24% of the total, and overcome like this
to the nuclear.

According to the daily statistics of the Spanish Peninsular Electric System of Spain (Ree), the renewables, group composed of hydraulic, wind and solar energy, have generated 48.7% of the electricity of this 2021, with which
They write down their greatest share since there are records.

However, the greatest presence of renewables has not been reflected at a cheaper market price, since the cost of the Megawatio Time recorded this year historical levels fired by world increase in the price of natural gas.
Today it is precisely the most expensive Saturday in history in the electricity market.

To stay at these levels, something that will be presumably occurred since only three weeks left for the arrival of 2022, the ‘green’ energies will beat their maximum, dating on the last year, when their participation in the generation “Mix” reached 45

In total, Spain generated around 109,000 gigawatts (GWh) of renewable origin by 2020, 13.3% more than in 2019, even though the electrical production set was 5.2% lower, coinciding with the
Sanitary crisis of the Coronavirus and the consequent limitations on productive activity.

However, the contribution of renewables has managed to break, so far this year, with the threshold of 112,500 GWh, which represents 11.6% more in year-on-year terms.

If the data of the mobile year is compared, that is, the period elapsed in the last twelve months, this upward trend is confirmed.

Thus, between December 9, 2020 and the same day of 2021, the renewables produced 120,683 GWh, that is, 10.7% more.

The contribution of the renewables to the generation “Mix” has been stabilizing after the rebound of early fall, which coincided with the continuous price escalation in the wholesale market.

Under the data of the system operator at the date of October 1, consulted by EFE, these technologies came to produce until then 49.8% of the total electricity of the year.

Taking as reference the statistic of REE updated to December 9, wind energy is, to this day, the main source of electricity generation.

Specifically, it is 23.9% of the total produced this 2021, and 42.1% during this month, which has been marked by the wind temporal throughout the country.

In numbers, the wind has generated 55,342 GWh, 12.9% above the same period of 2020.

For its part, the hydraulic energy is about to be consolidated as the fourth generation source, the second if only renewables are taken into account, after producing 11.9% of this year’s electricity.

A smaller portion of the “Mix” represent it the photovoltaic and solar thermal plot, which add 8.6% and 2% of the annual total, respectively, while other renewables concentrate 1.9%, and renewable residues
, 0.3%.

Regarding the sustainability objectives, the analysis reflects the progressive decarbonization of the Spanish economy.

Precisely coal was one of the great protagonists of last year when cutting 55% production compared to 2019, reaching 4,799 GWh, its annual historical minimum.

A year later, the trend is maintained and this technology falls 5.6%, after producing something more than 4.401 GWh this 2021. Only in the last lustro, its generation has collapsed 87.4%, from the 35,011 GWh of the
December 31, 2016.

On the contrary, nuclear energy continues to lead the non-renewable group, by generating 22.1% of the electricity of the year.
This mark converts it into the second technology by production volume, with 51,072 GWh, although with a cutout of 1.8% compared to 2020.

After it is the combined, central cycles in which the thermal energy of natural gas is transformed, which concentrate 14.8% of the total generated this exercise.

The data includes the cogeneration records, which has produced 10.6% of electricity, a level much higher than that of the pumping-pumping (1%) and non-renewable residues (0.9%).

The recent evolution of electrical generation on the objectives established by the Government through the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC) for 2030.

By then, renewable energies are expected to reach a level of penetration of 74%, in order to achieve a 100% renewable electric sector in 2050.