Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu showed North Korean leader Kim Jong-un three Russian strategic aircraft and Kinzhal hypersonic missiles deployed on a MiG-31I fighter. The demonstration took place during the North Korean leader’s visit to the Knevichi airfield, about 50 kilometers from Vladivostok, in the Russian Far East, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Kim arrived at Knevichi in his official car, along with the rest of the delegation, and was received at the airfield by the honor guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment.

In Knevichi, the North Korean leader was shown the Tu-160 strategic missile-carrying supersonic bomber, the Tu-95MS turboprop strategic bomber and the Tu-22M3 long-range heavy bomber. The three aircraft are part of the air component of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces, Defense recalls in a statement.

The Russian military also showed Kim the MiG-31I fighter equipped with a Kinzhal hypersonic missile and its command system.

According to Moscow, it is an air complex “without analogues in the world” that has shown its effectiveness.

In addition, Kim was able to see different Russian tactical bombers at the Russian airfield and their pilots told him about the combat capabilities of these aircraft, Defense indicates.

In the video released by the Russian military department, Kim can be seen smilingly walking among Russian planes in the company of Shoigu and asking questions about the characteristics of the aircraft.

Kim and Shoigu also inspected the frigate “Marshal Shaposhnikov”, now in Vladivostok, according to another military statement.

It is a warship that entered operational service in the mid-1980s and was modernized with the latest weapons a few years ago. The “Marshal Shaposhnikov”, according to her description, is capable of attacking submarines and surface targets located at great distances.

After inspecting the frigate, Kim left a message in the guest book for honored guests and received a model of the ship as a gift.

Last Wednesday Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a summit at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, in the Amur region, and although the details have not been made public, Putin assured after the meeting that there is room for military cooperation and space between the two countries.

According to media such as The New York Times last week, citing US intelligence sources, Kim would be willing to support Moscow’s war in Ukraine with “millions” of anti-tank missiles and artillery ammunition, while Pyongyang would also receive in return food aid, satellite technology or nuclear-powered submarines.