The President of Vox, Santiago Abascal, believes a “total defense” of the borders before illegal immigration after the air incident occurred on Friday at the Palma de Mallorca airport, when 24 people left a plane and threw themselves to the tracks
After a landing due to the supposed medical emergency of a passenger, which forced to paralyze the operations of arrivals and exits on the aerodrome.

Abascal emphasized that the defense of borders should be both maritime, as terrestrial and air.
“We have already seen how they have tried to enter Palma de Mallorca, causing a brutal chaos in Spanish airspace,” he said.

During the closure of the Illegal Immigration Congress and Islamism in Europe, which has held political training in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the VOX leader has asked the National Police, the Civil Guard and the Army to have the material and legal means necessary for
Being able to custody the borders.

“And now they want to give nationality to 15,000 menas in Spain, because we say that you have to harden the requirements to obtain nationality, because it is a treasure that we are not willing to give to those who do not respect it and do not deserve it,” he said

Thus, he asked that everyone who has illegally “attacking the police” is told that “he has to go back to his house,” adding that legal immigrants who have made his life the commission of crimes “can not be among us

Finally, Abascal was aware that many of these immigrants come “deceived” and that many others “are not given another way than a crimp, because here they can not be given a future that we have no capacity to offer our children in
these moments”.