Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – All schools in Saxony-Anhalt will soon be connected to the fast Internet. “By the turn of the year, 821 of 877 school locations will probably be online, i.e. have a usable Internet connection with 1 Gbit/s downstream and 200 Mbit/s upstream,” said the Ministry for Infrastructure and Digital in Magdeburg on request. In relation to the total number of schools participating in the project, this corresponds to almost 94 percent. The ministry also referred to an overview by the federal government, according to which Saxony-Anhalt is the best-served state in the area of ​​schools.

According to the information, 758 schools were completely online in mid-December. At another 39 schools, the construction measures were completed and the connection tariff was commissioned. Schools sometimes have several school locations. In the course of this year, 280 school locations were added. “On average, six schools are connected every week.”

The ministry further explained: “In view of the figures mentioned and the average speed of expansion, we assume that the connection of all schools can be completed in the first quarter of 2023.” The target had already been missed several times.

“With projects of this magnitude, delays cannot be ruled out due to the many different individual events on site,” it said. “Essentially, this can be attributed to a lack of freedom to build, which results from the lack of building permits or the school authorities’ own construction measures.” In addition, there is a “large number of latecomers who only decided relatively late to participate in the project” and whose development is still in the planning phase.