Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – According to its own assessment, the FDP parliamentary group in Saxony-Anhalt has given Saxony-Anhalt’s state budget for 2023 a clear liberal stamp on the topics of education, digitization and security. Good conditions have been created to shape the future of the country, said parliamentary group leader Andreas Silbersack on Tuesday in Magdeburg. The FDP is the smallest partner in the coalition with the CDU and SPD.

As an example, the FDP parliamentary group named 9 million euros, which should flow additionally for the digital equipment of the universities in the state. In addition, the so-called police allowance will be increased by 20 percent from January 1, 2023, which corresponds to an investment of 1.9 million euros. Judicial staff are also to receive an allowance increased by 20 percent in order to compensate for the increased demands and burdens. And the sports clubs also benefited from the 2023 budget. These are to be supported with up to 5 million euros in order to deal with the effects of the energy crisis and the increased costs.

Silbersack emphasized that many projects were also made possible by additional tax revenue. But it is also about keeping the overall debt under control. New loans are not taken out.

The state budget for 2023 is to be approved by the state parliament at the end of March. From the point of view of the FDP parliamentary group, the fact that the budget will be passed so late should not be permanent. “We want to return to an orderly procedure for the 2024 budget,” emphasized Parliamentary Secretary Guido Kosmehl. There must then be a complete financial year again.