Halle (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt, inflation remains at a high level. In November, consumer prices rose by 10.5 percent compared to the same month last year, as reported by the State Statistical Office in Halle on Tuesday. The annual inflation rate in Saxony-Anhalt reached a record 10.7 percent in September and 10.5 percent in October.

Also in November, the prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages rose the most in a year-on-year comparison, by 22.0 percent. In particular, dairy products and eggs (38.8 percent) as well as edible fats and oils (46.9 percent) rose at an above-average rate.

According to the information, the lower prices on the crude oil market had a dampening effect on the consumer price index. In November of this year, heating oil was offered 7.1 percent cheaper in Saxony-Anhalt than in the previous month. Fuel at the gas station was also 1.8 percent cheaper than in October.