Tangerhütte (dpa/sa) – The unified municipality of Tangerhütte is looking for a new user for the Weißewarte wildlife park. The areas belonging to the municipality are for lease or sale, it said on Monday. The tender is for the operation of a publicly accessible leisure facility, according to the website. Financial or personal support from the municipality is excluded.

The offer period runs from March 6 to May 8, 2023. A reopening of the facility should be announced by 2024 at the latest and the overall concept submitted should be implemented within five years, it is said. The approved bidders are expected to present their concept to the city council on May 31. In addition to the price offered, other criteria such as a well-founded usage concept, social aspects and the inclusion of previous facilities such as playgrounds and restaurants play an important role in the award.

The unified municipality of Tangerhütte is the owner of the 15-hectare area and has tried in vain in recent years with various concepts to preserve the wildlife park. The facility has been closed since the end of last year. The stock of originally 350 animals from 50 species is currently being liquidated. By the end of June 2023, according to the decree of the Stendal district, the site must be “swept clean”.

The end of what was once the largest wildlife park in Saxony-Anhalt comes in the 50th year of its existence. The facility in the district of Stendal, which includes a large playground and supply facilities, should not be abandoned to decay. Unified municipality mayor Andreas Brohm (non-party) relies on a “wildlife park reloaded” on a smaller scale.