Tangermünde (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt, almost 2.5 of the 4 million euros available for the promotion of endangered animal and plant species have been approved so far this year. The Ministry of the Environment announced on Monday in Magdeburg that 45 projects benefited from the immediate funding of species. Among other things, 109,000 euros flowed into a nature conservation project of the Nabu district association Stendal in the Tangermünde district of Buch (Stendal district). The aim is to improve breeding opportunities for meadow and ground breeders such as lapwings and black-tailed godwits and for amphibians such as red toads and crested newts.

Around 17 hectares of meadows in the Elsholzwiesen nature reserve were to be fenced off to protect against foxes, raccoons and weasels. Wells are to be drilled and sinks in particular are to be irrigated with solar-powered pumps until July. A drone to search for nests and clutches is also being funded.