Halle (dpa/sa) – As part of the theme year “Power of Emotions”, the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina are showing works by Bernd Göbel. After the opening of the exhibition “Bernd Göbel. People – Times – Worlds” on Tuesday, the show will be presented until November 30th in the central custody of the university in the lion building. The sculptor, medalist and graphic artist is celebrating his 80th birthday on October 15 – he has been living and working in the city on the Saale for more than 60 years. According to the organizers, Göbel is the “most important representative of Halle’s school of sculpture and medals”.

The focus of the cabinet exhibition are the medals of the artist, who was born in Freiberg, Saxony. They are “monuments to science on a small scale and the link between the history of the university and the history of science and the city,” it said. Göbel also continued the tradition of the portrait of a scholar in his medals. Göbel has also been designing medals of honor for the Leopoldina for more than 40 years. He is also closely connected to the Burg Giebichenstein Art Academy, where he taught.