Aschersleben (dpa/sa) – “Struwwelpeter”, “Emil and the detectives” or “Harry Potter”: The museum in the oldest town in Saxony-Anhalt Aschersleben dedicates an exhibition to the fascination of historical and modern classics of children’s literature. After the opening of “Leselust. Children’s books – an entertaining literary history” on Sunday, the show will be presented until February 26, 2023. According to the museum, visitors get an overview of the diversity in children’s literature since the 18th century. One focus is on changes in content and reading habits.

The exhibition was conceived as an “adventure trip for the whole family”, it said. Among other things, there are hands-on stations, a reading quiz and a reading meadow with deckchairs and a panorama of the Alps. Rummaging and browsing is possible at a book exchange cabinet. A special feature: According to the information, guests can present their “heart book” from childhood in a showcase and thus become part of the exhibition. Events such as readings, tours, workshops and a reading cafĂ© round off the children’s book series in the museum in the Salzland district.

The exhibition was created in cooperation with the Aschersleben district library and the Gleimhaus Halberstadt. The Museum of the German Enlightenment showed them until February of this year.