Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – The black-red-yellow coalition has postponed a decision on better pay for teachers at primary schools in Saxony-Anhalt. A solution should be found in the next few weeks, said CDU state leader Sven Schulze, SPD state leader Andreas Schmidt and FDP state leader Lydia Hüskens on Tuesday after several hours of consultation with the coalition committee in Magdeburg. Working groups were set up to clarify open questions.

Saxony-Anhalt wants to follow the example of other states and pay teachers at primary schools better in the future. The gradual increase in salaries should already begin this year, said Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) in January after an education summit in the State Chancellery. The specific design is a matter for the state parliament, which is currently deliberating on the budget.

The state government then considered starting with the higher education at the all-day schools first. However, the SPD in particular had expressed its dissatisfaction with the coalition committee and complained about the lack of coordination. The Social Democrats are calling for a solution that benefits all teachers equally.

Upgrading from the pay grades to A13 and E13 can add several hundred euros a month. According to the Ministry of Finance, better pay for all primary school teachers would cost the country 26 million euros more per year in one fell swoop.