Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Even if other countries are moving away from the obligation to isolate people infected with corona – Saxony-Anhalt is sticking to it. “As far as we know, most of the illnesses are not without symptoms, so that lifting the obligation to isolate does not lead to a relaxation of the staff situation,” explained Health Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) on Friday in Magdeburg. “Nobody knows how the next few months will turn out with new virus variants. Now we must not jeopardize the health of the elderly and those who have previously been ill.”

The current rule is that infected people should remain isolated for five days. Self-isolation should only be ended after a negative test.

The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health had previously announced that four federal states had agreed to lift the isolation requirement. These are Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Schleswig-Holstein. In these countries, new regulations should come into force “soon”, the details are currently being worked out.

Grimm-Benne further explained that she was aware that there were different views on this within the framework of the Conference of Health Ministers (GMK). “There is still an urgent need for discussion here, especially with regard to a nationwide uniform approach,” she said as the acting GMK chairwoman.