Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt wants to invest consistently in the development of a hydrogen economy. For pipeline and storage projects alone, the Ministry of Energy has earmarked around 55 million euros for the coming years, and the federal government will contribute a further 130 million euros, Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) announced on Monday on the occasion of a planned EU trip to Brussels.

The majority of the investments, around 149 million euros, are to be invested in hydrogen storage facilities in Bad Lauchstädt and in a pipeline between Bad Lauchstädt, Leuna (Saalekreis) and Salzgitter in Lower Saxony. According to Willingmann, almost 36 million euros will flow into two further pipeline projects.

Above all, hydrogen from renewable energies is regarded as the energy source of the future in order to become less dependent on fossil substances such as gas and coal and to reduce greenhouse gases that are harmful to the climate. Corresponding projects are running in Saxony-Anhalt in Leuna and Bitterfeld-Wolfen. The minister wanted to present the country’s plans to the EU in Brussels on Monday.